Issues | Downtown Farmer’s Market & Performance Venue

In 2013, the citizens approved a $600,000 bond for a downtown farmers’ market and performance venue. A conceptual plan was developed for the market and venue, but there was no progress for nearly five years.

In 2018, the City purchased a parcel at 3rd and Green for $378,000, but it was not enough land for the farmers’ market. This also left only a couple hundred thousand dollars for construction for a multimillion-dollar project. This was frustrating because the downtown is the heart of our community and a great source of pride.

We need to continually reinvest in our downtown to keep it thriving. When elected in 2018 I immediately went to work on the farmers’ market by putting a plan in place to purchase the rest of the land needed for the farmers’ market as well as a funding mechanism for construction.

Funding sources included selling numerous other city-owned land parcels for millions of dollars, as well as partnering with the Downtown CID (Community Improvement District). We purchased the additional land and put out an RFP (request for proposal) for a master developer to build the farmers’ market and to develop all the remaining land on the perimeter. Additionally, the master developer would work with the City on infrastructure upgrades needed in the area.

Capital funds to address stormwater had been secured years before, but without the land acquisition we could not proceed. The response from the development community to the proposal for a master developer was overwhelming. Over a dozen of the largest most reputable developers in the midwest made application and two extremely experienced developers were chosen to work with the City in a public-private partnership. 

We are now working with Lane4 and Biederman Development to expand the most charming downtown in the nation with plans to make it the most inclusive and welcoming family friendly environment it can be for generations to come.

The City will retain ownership of the farmers market and performance venue. Conceptual plans for a boutique hotel, restaurant, and luxury apartments are under consideration as Lane4 researches the most viable businesses for their ownership on the corners of 2nd, 3rd, and Johnson St.

We anticipate their final concepts to be presented later in the year 2022, but one thing is for sure, we will have a farmers’ market and performance venue and fulfill the wish of the voters from 2013. We picked up the ball after years of little to no movement and are taking it across the goal line.  We can’t wait to see it come to life.