I’m Bill Baird, and I’m running for re-election on April 5th. I would be honored to serve another term as mayor of our wonderful city, and humbly ask for your vote. Together, let’s keep Lee’s Summit moving forward!

Meet Bill Baird

It has been the greatest honor serving as the mayor of the finest city in the state. I am continually inspired by so many amazing citizens serving others through their work, volunteerism, and philanthropy. 

Our success has been dependent upon being role models for the community in our behavior, decorum, and respect for one another.

I am seeking your support for another term in office to continue the diligent work we embarked upon four years ago. There is much we have accomplished over the last few years, and none of it could have been accomplished without a strong city council with a collaborative culture.

I appreciate your support, and am asking for your Vote on April 5, 2022 for Lee’s Summit Mayor.

Bill Baird, Lee’s Summit Mayor

lee’s summit has been growing at a rapid pace

In order to continue to thrive into the next decades, we must be strategic in our growth, and keep our local economy balanced.

Our goal should be to Live, Play, and Work in our community. If we are out of balance with these 3 categories, our community may risk decline over time, as our growth becomes stagnant.

My priorities focus on areas that can not be neglected or underestimated in determining the quality of our growth as a community.

Downtown Lee’s Summit


my priorities as mayor : quality of growth

supporting public safety

Public safety and taking care of our own will remain my number one priority as your mayor. As one of the fastest growing cities in the state there are many growth challenges ahead of us. We will continue to expand our police and fire departments to keep up with the increasing demands on our resources and provide compensation to help us recruit and retain talent in all our departments. Read more..

building infrastructure

In order to gain investment in our community, we must first provide basic infrastructure. Outside investors and developers are needed to bring jobs to match our growth in residents. But in order to be great candidates for their investments, we need to meet them halfway with access to infrastructure like water and sewer lines. Read more…

economic development

We will maintain and build upon the high quality of life our city offers by promoting a balanced and healthy economic strategy to bring well-paying jobs to Lee’s Summit, providing a diversity of retail and dining options, and facilitating a culture of shopping local. We also will continue to support revitalization projects and a variety of housing options. Read More..


learn more about our plans for moving lee’s summit forward

I am passionate about ensuring the finest quality of life in our community for generations to come.

In pursuit of the best Lee’s Summit we can be, I will continue to strongly advocate for collaboration between community partners, governmental entities, and our stakeholders and facilitate a welcoming environment to business and citizens at city hall.

I would be honored to serve another four years as the mayor of our wonderful city and humbly ask for your support.


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